Atom 1.43.0


  • PHP syntax highlighting for ternary operator, ereg functions, and comments within closures.
  • PHP syntax highlighting for functions returning references, return types.
  • SCSS syntax highlighting, by recognizing '-' as part of a class selector in an @extend statement.
  • CSS syntax highlighting by supporting grid properties (e.g row-gap, place-items, place-self and place-content).
  • CSS syntax highlighting by preventing deprecated CSS properties from being highlighted as errors.


  • Find and replace crashes when a tab is not an editor.
  • An issue that prevented directories created by git worktree from being recognized as git repositories.
  • A crash when viewing review comments on Windows.


  • Support for Javascript forEach snippet.
  • Support for Javascript syntax highlighting for BigInt numeric.


  • Update legacy TextMate grammars to match microsoft/vscode@e6abf47.
  • Removed the non-functional "jump to file" context menu option when viewing past commits.
  • Explicitly display and choose the active git working directory in the Git and GitHub tabs.
  • Avoid stalls due to data buffering by using TCP sockets instead of UNIX domain sockets for git dialog communications.
  • Create and publish GitHub repositories with the github:create-repository and github:publish-repository commands.
  • Copy the commit SHA and subject to the clipboard from the context menu on the mini-log.

