
CotEditor 2.2.1

CHANGELOGは以下 https://github.com/coteditor/CotEditor/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.mdダウンロードは以下 https://github.com/coteditor/CotEditor/releases

MacPort 2.3.4

Version 2.3.4: Installation will now abort when an archive is found on a server but downloading it fails, rather than trying to build from source without the correct dependencies (jmr in r138461) Re-added macports-llvm-gcc-4.2 and apple-gc…

OS X 10.11 El Capitan

以下のセキュリティ上の問題を修正 https://support.apple.com/ja-jp/HT205267Safari 9.0の以下のセキュリティ上の問題も修正 https://support.apple.com/kb/HT205265App Storeから入手